Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Paula Maria Bögel
Professorship (W1) for Transition Management in Rural Areas
Department of Psychology
Vechta Institute of Sustainability Transformation in Rural Areas (VISTRA), University of Vechta
Research topic: Actors in sustainability transitions
With a sustainable development being the key motivation for my work, my research focuses on understanding the role of individual and collective actors in sustainability transitions. My work aims to support an actor-centric approach to sustainability transitions that empowers people in their capacity to act for sustainability transitions. My inter- and transdisciplinary research on actors in sustainability transitions – be it individual actors such as managers, consumers, politicians, employees, citizens or collective actors such as companies – helps to understand why actors react in the way they do and how these behaviours can be transformed in participatory processes to achieve a sustainable development. For this purpose, it develops in transdisciplinary project settings multi-disciplinary, multi-scale frameworks through interdisciplinary theory development, which is, in turn, enabled by (mixed methods) methodological innovation.
Methods: qualitative methods (interviews, focus groups, storytelling, case studies), quantitative methods (experiments, surveys), mixed methods, transdisciplinary research
Theory: interdisciplinary research profile, especially connecting theories from business studies (esp. management and marketing), psychology (esp. social and organisational psychology), social sciences (e.g. sociology) and transition research.
Professional Experience
Since 05/2023
Visiting Professor
IREES – Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society University of Groningen
Since 03/2022
Professorship (W1) for Transformation Management in Rural Areas
Vechta Institute of Sustainability Transformation in Rural Areas (VISTRA), University of Vechta
09/2019 – 02/2022
Fellowship Young Investigator Group Preparation Program (YIG Prep Pro), Karlsruhe Institute of Technologie (KIT), Institute for Technology Assesment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
05/2018 – 08/2019
Senior researcher, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm (until 01/2019), and Postdoc, Chair of Human Behaviour & Sustainable Development, Institute of Sustainability and Environmental Communication, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
02/2018 – 04/2018
3-month research stay, Research group on Urban Analytics and Transitions, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
01/2017 – 01/2018
Postdoc, Chair of Human Behaviour & Sustainable Development, Institute of Sustainability and Environmental Communication, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
08/2016 – 12/2016
Research assistant, third-party funded project: Simulation-based measurement and validation of a competence model for sustainability management, Georg-August University Göttingen
Research stay at the Catholic University Croatia, Zagreb
09/2012 – 07/2016
Research assistant, Chair of Communication & PR, Institute of Corporate Development, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
2008 – 2012
Several interships and working student positions (a.o. Alfred Toepfer Stiftung, Hamburg; PWS Wollsching-Strobel Management GmbH, Frankfurt am Main; Volkswagen, Wolfsburg; Nimrod Förlag, Schweden)
09/2012 – 06/2016
PhD student, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Topic: Consumer-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication for Business and Society – Understanding Consumers’ Processing and Evaluation of CSR Communication in the Fashion Industry and Their Implications [based on socio-psychological theories; using both qualitative and quantitative empirical studies]
10/2010 – 08/2012
M.A. Management & Marketing, Leuphana University
10/2006 – 08/2009
B.Sc. Business Psychology, Leuphana University
05/2008 – 03/2009
Training in Systemic Coaching, dr. alexander et kreutzer GbR
GAIA Best Paper Award 2022 (2nd Place)
Admission as a Fellowgroup of the td Academy together with Karoline Augenstein (University of Wuppertal) und Meike Levin-Keitel (Technical University Dortmund)
Joachim-Reutter-Award for Social Innovation, Gips-Schüle-Foundation
Since 07/2019
Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership, Robert Bosch Foundation
Nomination EMAC 2018 Susan Douglas Award (International Marketing)
Best paper award, Contribution to Practice, 4th International CSR Communication Conference, Vienna
Young researcher award, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Business and Economics
Best presentation award, 3rd International CSR Communication Conference, Ljubljana
Young researcher award, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Business and Economics
Third-party funding and scholarships
Third-party funding (Project Management/Applicant)
EFZN (2023)
Title: Development of a scalable approach for an inclusive energy transition, Role: Project manager, Sponsor: Energy Research Center Lower Saxony (EFZN)
Volkswagen Foundation (2021)
Title: Dual Mode Participation – Window of Opportunity for Inclusive Real-World Labs (DuPa); Role: Project manager until 2022 (change to University of Vechta)
MWK (2021)
Title: Karlsruher Reallabor Nachhaltiger Klimaschutz (KARLA); Status: granted; Role: Co-applicantand cooperation partner (change to University of Vechta)
Robert Bosch Foundation (2019)
Title: Interdisciplinary understandings of scales and scaling in urban transitions – a review and discussion on implications for impact logics (InterScale); Role: Co-Project Manager
KIT/MWK (2020-2021)
Young Investigator Group Preparation program, title of project: Socio-technical energy transitions and behaviour: linking micro and macro level perspectives; Role: Project manager
Formas (Swedish Research Council) (2019-2021)
Title: Connect to transform: Enabling transitions via quadruple helix co-creation; Role: Cooperation partner
Third-party funded projects (Employment)
Horizon 2020 project Integrid, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
BMBF-funded project Ko-NaMa: Simulation-based measurement and validation of a competence model for sustainability management, Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany
Reviews and Expert Activities
- Energy Policy
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
- Journal of Global Responsibility
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- Corporate Communications: An International Journal
- Energy Research & Social Sciences
- Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Third-party funding
- Academy of Finland
- Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership
- Academy of Finland
Committee work
Since 2023
Member of trafo:fachbeirat at University of Vechta
Reviewer for the Academy of Finland
Since 2022
Speaker of the Cluster for Sustainability Transformation in Rural Areas
Since 2022
Study commission of the master program Transformation Management in Rural Areas
Since 2021
Consultant in the Society Expert Group in the EU project Re4industry Renewable Energies for Industries
Commissary for Gender Diversity at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Journal Publications
Bögel, P.M.; Jans, L.; Augenstein, K.; Goedkoop, F. (2024, forthcoming): Building bridges between environmental psychology & sustainability transition studies, Umweltpsychologie
Trenks, H.; Bögel, P.M. (2024): How real-world labs facilitate individual role change in the energy transition: a socio-spatial approach, Sustainability Science, Special Issue: Understanding the embeddedness of individuals within the larger system to support the energy transition, weitere Informationen…
Bögel, P.M.; Trenks, H.; Upham, P.; Sauter, H.; Albiez, M.; Stelzer, V.; Laborgne, P. (2023): Diversifying power in action: A socio-psychological approach to inclusive energy transition experiments, Energy Research & Social Science, 100, 103070, read more…
Dobroć, P.; Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P. (2023): Narratives of Change: Strategies for inclusivity in shaping socio-technical future visions, Futures, 103076, read more…
Augenstein, K.; Bögel, P.M.; Levin-Keitel, M.; Trenks, H. (2022): Wie entfalten Reallabore Wirkung für die Transformation? Eine Embedded Agency Perspective zur Analyse von Wirkmechanismen in Reallaboren, GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 31(4), 207-214, read more…
Parodi, O.; Bögel, P.; Beecroft, R.; Seebacher, A.; Wagner, F.; Hahn, J. (2022): Reflexive Sustainable Technology Labs: Combining Real-World Labs, Technology Assessment, and Responsible Research and Innovation. Sustainability, 14(22), 15094, read more…
Bögel, P.M.; Augenstein, K.; Levin-Keitel, M.; Upham, P. (2022): An interdisciplinary perspective on scaling in transitions: Connecting actors and space, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 42, 170-183, read more…
Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P.; Shahrokni, H.; Kordas, O. (2021): What is needed for citizen-centered urban energy transitions: Insights on attitudes towards decentralized energy storage, Energy Policy, 149, 112032, read more…
Becker, S.; Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P. (2021): The role of social identity in institutional work for sociotechnical transitions: the case of transport infrastructure in Berlin, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162, 120385, read more…
Upham, P.; Bögel, P.M.; Dütschke, E.; Burghard, U.; Oltra, C.; Sala, R.; Lores, M.; Brinkmann, J.: (2020): The revolution is conditional? The conditionality of hydrogen fuel cell expectations in five European countries, Energy Research and Social Sciences, 70, 01722, read more…
Upham, P.; Bögel, P.M.; Dütschke, E. (2020): Thinking about individual actor-level perspectives in sociotechnical transitions: A comment on the transitions research agenda, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 341-343, read more…
Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P.; Castro, P. (2019): Thinking about the differing contributions of psychology and sociology for understanding sociotechnical transitions perspectives on energy supply and use, part of the special issue “Connecting dots: Multiple perspectives on socio-technical transition and social practices“ (by Giardullo, P.; Pellizzoni, L.; Brondi, S.; Osti, G.; Bögel, P.; Upham, P.; Castro, P.) Tecnoscienza –Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 10(2), 121-152, read more…
Bögel, P.M.; Pereverza, K.; Upham, P.; Kordas, O. (2019): Linking socio-technical transitions studies and organizational change management: Steps towards an integrative, multi-scale heuristic, Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 359-368,
Koistinen, K.; Upham, P.; Bögel, P.M. (2019): Stakeholder signaling and strategic niche management: the case of aviation biokerosene, Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 72-81, read more...
Mäkivierikko, A.; Bögel, P.M.; Giersiepen, A.; Shahrokni, H.; Kordas, O. (2019): Exploring the viability of a local social network for creating persistently engaging energy feedback and improved human well-being, Journal of Cleaner Production, 224, 789-801, read more…
Hetze, K.; Bögel, P.M.; Glock, Y.; Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Emde, A. (2019): Online Stakeholder Dialogue – Quo vadis? An empirical analysis in German-speaking countries, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 24(2), 248-268,
Koch, C.; Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Bögel, P.M.; Adam, U. (2019): Employees’ perceived benefits from participating in CSR activities and implications for increasing employees’ engagement in CSR, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 24(2), 303-317, read more…
Upham, P.; Bögel P.M.; Johansen, K.; Axon, S.; Garard, J.; Carney, S. (2018): Harnessing place attachment for local climate mitigation? Hypothesising connections between broadening representations of place and readiness for change, Local Environment, 23(9), 912-919, read more…
Bögel, P.M.; Oltra, C., Sala, R., Lores, M., Upham, P., Dütschke, E., Schneider, U.; Wiemann, P. (2018): The role of attitudes in technology acceptance management: reflections on the case of hydrogen fuel cells in Europe, Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 125-135, read more…
Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P. (2018): The role of psychology in the sociotechnical transitions literature: a review and discussion in relation to consumption and technology acceptance, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 28, 122-136, read more…
Upham, P.; Dütschke, E.; Schneider, U.; Oltra, C.; Sala, R.; Lores, M.; Klapper, R.; Bögel, P.M. (2018): Agency and structure in a sociotechnical transition: Hydrogen fuel cells, conjunctural knowledge and structuration in Europe, Energy Research and Social Science, 37, 163-174, read more…
Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Bögel, P. M.; Sikkenga, S.; Heinen, A. (2017): Social Desirability’s Influence on Audience Research: Discerning and Reducing It, Journal of Cultural Management, 2, 13-45, read more…
Hetze, K.; Bögel, P. M.; Glock, Y.; Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (2016): Online-CSR-Kommunikation: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede börsennotierter Unternehmen in der DACH-Region, UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 24(2), 223-236, read more…
Bögel, P.M. (2016): Company Reputation and Its Influence on Consumer Trust in Response to Ongoing CSR Communication, Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-22, read more…
Bögel, P.M. (2015): Processing of CSR communication: Insights from the ELM, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 20 (2), 128-143, read more…
Books and book chapters
Upham, P.; Bögel, P.; Klapper, R.G.; Kašperová, E. (2021): Theorising individual agency within sociotechnical sustainability transitions frames: a social psychological review, in: Teerikangas, S.; Onkila, T.; Koistinen, K.; Mäkelä, M.; Elgar, E. (eds.): Research Handbook of Sustainability Agency. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 29-45.
Upham, P.; Bögel, P.M.; Johansen, K. (2019): Energy transitions and social psychology: a sociotechnical perspective. Routledge Studies in Energy Transitions. Oxon. New York: Routledge, read more…
Dütschke, E.; Bögel, P.M.; Choi, S.-M.; Globisch, J.; Schneider, U. (2019): Soziale Akzeptanz als erweitertes Verständnis des Akzeptanzbegriffs – eine Bestimmung der Akteure in der Energiewende, in: Fraune, C.; Knodt, M.; Gölz, S.; Langer, K. (eds.): Akzeptanz und Partizipation – Herausforderungen für die Energiewende jenseits von Technik und Ressourcenausstattung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, read more…
Bögel, P. M.; Brstilo, I.; Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Sippel, C. (2018): Socio-Cultural Differences in Understanding and Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Germany and Croatia, in: Tench, R.; Sun, W.; Jones, B. (eds.): The Critical State of CSR in Europe. Emerald Group Publishing, read more…
Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Bögel, P. M.: Koch, C. (2017): Investigating Internal CSR Communication: Building a Theoretical Framework, in: Diehl, S.; Karmasin, M.; Mueller, B.; Terlutter, R.; Weder, F. (eds.): Handbook of Integrated CSR communication, Cham: Springer, read more…
Jakob, L.; Bögel, P.M.; Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S. (2017): Neue Wege der Kulturkommunikation – eine Studie zur Rezeption onlinebasierter Kommunikation von Corporate Cultural Responsibility. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, S.; Bögel, P. M. (2015): CSR-Kommunikation: Gute Aussichten im Dialog, in: Behrends, T.; Jochims, T.; Nienhüser, W. (eds.): Erkenntnis und Fortschritt: Beiträge aus Personalforschung und Managementpraxis; Festschrift für Albert Martin. Mering and München: Rainer Hampp Verlag, 86-97.
Public Dissemination
Social media cooperation with Volksbank Vechta to present the members of the working group “Transformation management in rural areas” and their attitudes towards the energy transition. Results: ten Instagram video posts and 14 advertisements in the Oldenburgische Volkszeitung, 21.07.-20.10.2023, available here…
The district of Cloppenburg and Münsterländer Tageszeitung report on the final presentation of the transdisciplinary research projects of the “Transformation Management” course on the subject of skills shortages in the region, 03.08. and 07.08.2023, press release available here…
Video about the master program Transformation Management in Rural Areas at the University of Vechta, 14.10.2022, available here…
Keynote Speech: Energy transition for all – premises from a psychological perspective at Spring Sustainability Days at KIT, 28.03.2022.
Report on the real-world experiment Dein BalkonNetz. Energy creates community. In: Drescher, S. (2022): Bezahlbare Energiewende für alle! Energiewendemagazin, 25.05.22 , available here…
Participation in the panel discussion Networked Mobility – Challenges and Solution Approaches for Urban and Rural Areas at the conference of KOWID at the University of Leipzig, 19.05.2022.
Report on the real-world experiment Dein BalkonNetz. Energy creates community. In: eco@work by the Institute for Applied Ecology, September 2021, available here…
Co-organized webinar series “Beyond technology” on socio-ecological energy transitions, including an own presentation of the real-world experiment Dein BalkonNetz. Energie schafft Gemeinschaft, 07.10.2021. Videos of all four webinars available at the ITAS Youtube channel, first webinar available here… Presentation of the real-world experiment available here…
Report on the real-world experiment Dein BalkonNetz. Energie schafft Gemeinschaft in Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN), April 2021.
Interviewer for a podcast episode on diversity & energy transitions, April 2021, available here…
Interview for a Podcast episode on solar energy, March 2021, available here…
Interview for the learning App Schule der Folgenlosigkeit, 02.12.2020, review on the app available here…
YouTube-video explaining my research on organizational change as an integral part of sustainability transitions, 15.09.2020, available here…
Participation in energy transitions, Instagram Story for Energiedialog [energy dialogue] in the field Energiewender*Innen [personalities in energy transitions], 03.06.2020, available here…
Guest article: Energiewende und Greenwashing: Warum so wenig Bürger*Innen sich beteiligen und wie gerade Start-ups dies ändern können [Energy transition & Greenwashing: Why so few citizens participate and how start-ups could change this], Berlin Valley (Start-up magazine), 19.03.2019, available here.
Participant in the panel discussion on Sustainability communication and the mass media (with Linda Zervakis), organized by the Leuphana University, 28.02.2019, report in Landeszeitung Lüneburg.
Interview on “Governance for sustainability transitions and quadruple-helix processes” for Viable Cities, the Swedish strategic innovation programme for smart, sustainable cities, 27.04.2018, available, here…
Selected Presentations
van der Broek, K.; Kaufman, S.; Bögel, P.M.; Venema, T.; Raven, R. (2023): Special Session on Behaviour in transitions: From perception to action, 14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, 30.08.-01.09.2023.
Kaufman, S.; Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P.; Raven, R. (2022): Special Sessionon Behaviour and Practice in Sustainability Transitions, 13th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), 21.–25.11.2022.
Laborgne, P; Beecroft, R.; Bögel, P. M.; Klöckner, P. (2022): „Dual Mode Partizipation“ – Die Pandemie als Möglichkeitsfenster für Methodeninnovationen in Reallaboren, Conference „Reallabore in der Transformation“, Karlsruhe, Germany, 02.–03.06.2022.
Bögel, P.M.; Augenstein, K.; Levin-Keitel, M.; Upham, P. (2021): An interdisciplinary perspective on scales and scaling in sustainability transitions: Connecting actors and space, accepted for the 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Karlsruhe, Germany, 05.–08.10.2021.
Dobroć, P.; Bögel, P.M.; Upham, P.; Pereverza, K.; Kordas, O. (2021): Urban sustainability transitions and the role of narratives in the sense-making processes, accepted for the 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Karlsruhe, Germany, 05.–08.10.2021.
Augenstein, K.; Bögel, P.M.; Levin-Keitel, M. (2020): Scales and scaling in transitions, dialogue session, 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Vienna, Austria, 18.–21.08.2020.
Bögel, P.M.; Silva, S.; Majer, J.; Pereverza, K. (2020): Managing sustainability transitions – A synthesis of organizational change in transition literature and a research agenda, presentation (new gallery format), 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Vienna, Austria, 18.–21.08.2020.
Pereverza, K.; Upham, P.; Bögel, P.M.; Silva, S.; Kordas, O. (2020): Beyond projectification: shaping transformative innovation policy in the Swedish Viable Cities programme, presentation (new gallery format), 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Vienna, Austria, 18.–21.08.2020.
Bögel, P.M; Pereverza, K.; Upham, P.; Kordas, O. (2019): Connect to transform – Enabling transitions towards smart and sustainable cities, invited presentation at the Digital Changemakers Summit on „Smart and Sustainable Cities“, University of Mannheim, 18.–19.10.2019.
Bögel, P.M.; Pereverza, K.; Upham, P.; Kordas, O. (2019): Connecting transition studies and management research to examine organizational change as part of sustainability transitions: a longitudinal analysis of the Swedish 12-year strategic innovation program Viable Cities, Academy of Management Annual Conference, SIM Research Development Workshop, Boston, US, 09.–13.08.2019.
* presenting author
Invited Presentations
Bögel, P.M. (2024): A just and inclusive energy transition for all: How can business, science, politics and society shape it together? Lecture at the Genossenschaftstag, organised by the Genossen-schaftsverband Weser-Ems (GVWE), 31.01.2024, a report can be found here
Bögel, P.M. (2023): Just in TIME. A fair energy transition by citizens for citizens. Lecture at the Lower Saxony Energy Days, organised by the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN), 21.11.2023, available here…
Bögel, P.M. (2023): Just in TIME. Transition, Inclusive, Meaningful, Energy. Invited presentation, Universität Groningen, IREES – Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society, 28.02.2023
Bögel, P.M. (2022): Could you procure acceptance here? Insights into a research development, keynote speech at the workshop of the Energy Research Centre of Lower Saxony (EFZN), 09.05.2022.
All my educational events are an invitation to learn and grow with me. Together, we discover concepts and theories in scientific literature and reflect on what they mean – ideally with the help of a case study or concrete example.
I feel it is my responsibility to get students excited about what they’re learning, show them pathways for achieving their educational goals, and to support and inspire them along the way. They can always rely on me to provide feedback. Similarly, I trust the students to be open to new things, to apply themselves and to be interested in expanding their knowledge. So far, I have not been disappointed.
Taking sustainability science off campus
The course I developed and delivered at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg in the Minor Sustainability Science illustrates my ideal conception of teaching. It consists of regular project seminars dedicated to the challenges of sustainable consumption and runs for two semesters as part of the sustainability science minor. The students come from a variety of faculties – such as political science, cultural studies and business management – and quickly form interdisciplinary teams. After learning the relevant scientific methodologies, theories and models, it’s time to leave the campus. Together, they head into the field to test their project ideas and apply their newly acquired knowledge. This field work also involves each team collaborating with local partner organizations.
So, for instance, in Lüneburg this led to new ideas for a coffee house culture on the university campus. We also teamed up with allotment gardens to investigate whether and how people change their consumption behavior when they are actively involved in gardening. And we researched alternative living concepts in collaboration with a Tiny House initiative. The students really liked the course’s applied format and I had a lot of fun teaching it.
You can download my detailed teaching portfolio as a PDF here.
During my work as a research assistant as well as a visiting researcher, I developed and delivered 14 lectures, seminars, guest lectures and inter- and transdisciplinary project courses in Germany and abroad. The lectures were presented in either German or English and covered topics such as research methods, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable consumption and socio-technical transitions. An overview on my teaching is shown below.
In addition, I supervised more than 30 Bachelor and Master’s theses. I also assisted with the supervision of PhD students at the Leuphana University Lüneburg and at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. At KTH, I am currently the second supervisor for a PhD on energy behavior.
Winter Semester 2022/23
Lecture Series: Integrative Perspective on Transformation of Rural Areas, University of Vechta
Exercise: Economic Perspective on Transformation of Rural Areas, University of Vechta
Module: Methods for the Design of Transformation, University of Vechta
Summer Semester 2019
Transdisciplinary project course: Connect to Transform: Understanding Commercial-Public-Civil Society Collaborations for Sustainable Energy and Mobility Transitions, team teaching with Prof. Paul Upham, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Summer Semester 2018
Transdisciplinary project course: Sustainable Consumption Part I, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Guest lectures for the course: Transdisciplinary Approaches for System Innovations, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
Guest lecture for the course ‘Customer Engagement in Energy Storage in Sweden and Portugal’: Consumer Behavior and Communication, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
Winter Semester 2017/18
Transdisciplinary project course Sustainable Consumption Part II, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Corporate Responsibility Communication, seminar, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Summer Semester 2017
Transdisciplinary project course: Sustainable Consumption Part I, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Summer Semester 2016
Bachelor Colloquium, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Guest lecture on Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Consumption, Catholic University Croatia, Zagreb
Guest lecture on Qualitative Research Methods as a visiting lecturer at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg
Winter Semester 2015/16
Online CSR Communication research seminar for Master’s students (Management & Marketing) in cooperation with Volkswagen and the sustainability consultancy akzente, team teaching with Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Summer Semester 2015
Communication and Media, case study seminar, Leuphana University
Guest lecture on Corporate Social Responsibility
Communication for the course: Introduction to Sustainability Communication, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Social Psychology and Sustainability, interdisciplinary seminar, team teaching with Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Plewig and Prof. Dr. Roman Trötschel, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Winter Semester 2014/15
Corporate Responsibility Communication, seminar, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Sommersemester 2014
Corporate Responsibility Communication, seminar, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Winter Semester 2013/14
Too Good to be True? Social Desirability Bias in Audience Development Studies, interdisciplinary seminar, team teaching with Dr. Andreas Heinen, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Truth and Fabrication – The Problem of Social Desirability Bias in Surveys, interdisciplinary seminar, team teaching with Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Summer Semester 2013
Corporate Responsibility Communication, seminar, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Teaching Certificate Program
To further my own development as a lecturer, I took part in the teaching certificate program at the Leuphana University Lüneburg.
The program consists of eight workshops (two days each) that cover the basics of teaching and also include specialized courses on innovation in teaching and research-oriented teaching. A list of all the courses in shown below.
Course | Work Units |
(0) Introduction | 4 |
(1) Potential analysis | 12 |
(2) Lecture, teach, study | 16 |
(3) Assessment I | 8 |
(4) Assessment II | 8 |
(5) Innovate teaching | 16 |
(6) Advise and supervise | 16 |
(7) Collegial consultation | 4 |
(8) Evaluation and feedback | 16 |
(9) Research and study | 16 |
Additional courses | |
(12) Teaching portfolio | 4 |
Additional Activities
In addition to the certificate program, I regularly attend workshops, seminars and talks about teaching (e.g. on Liberal Arts Education; method teaching), especially with regard to interdisciplinary and research-based teaching.
Team teaching, my role as a supervisor and feedback from students all provide me with further significant input that helps me to improve as a lecturer and gives me the opportunity to try out new teaching methods, evaluation techniques and assessment tools.
I am always eager to new learn new things and it is this enthusiasm for learning and self-development that I want to share with my students.
To further develop research-based teaching concepts, I have been active in lecturer meetings at Leuphana University Lüneburg with regard to the project courses of the Sustainable Development minor.
These meetings usually take place twice each semester and give lecturers the opportunity to share their experiences with this teaching format, pool expert input (e.g. from the didactics’ center) and discuss the development of joint modules for courses (e.g. joint method input) as well as the general development of course programs, e.g. assignments.